Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Monkey Watch List 9-22-20

 This list is just a list to investigate. Currently I have no information on them. Just stumbled into doing research for another side gig I have.

Industria de DiseƱo Textil, S.A. (Spain Exchange BMAD, Symbol ITX)

Brink's (NYSE: BCO)

Carter's Inc. (NYSE: CRI)

Appien (APPN)

Zoom (ZOOM)

I will update as I find more stocks or eliminate stocks on the list.

Added on 9-22-20

Bandwith (BAND)

American River Bankshares (AMRB)

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Monkey Portfolio Lives

 Last time I checked in, I was making a highly speculative move in FLMN. Guess what, I've lost my ass in my initial investment...guess what. I'm not in a position to invest right now...but I'm mustering some capital to double down on my investment. I still think FLMN has room to explode. Again, it is a highly speculative move and I'm not putting a lot of money into the holding but I think it's worth the risk at this point.

The Covid-19 pandemic has brought the global economy to a grinding halt. I sense opportunity.

I've been inactive in investing for the last eight years. Mostly due to personal reasons and not having the funds to invest. Without getting into details. the scope of my job changed and I looked for other ways to earn income. I've taken on two side gigs...both have potential to make decent income but for now I have two new income streams. Most of it will go to pay down debt incurred over the last eight years. Some of it will go to my new found will to invest.

One of my jobs will make the first payoff at the end of September. My goal by that time is to have at least to stocks researched and ready for purchase.

I've already done preliminary research by running a few stock screens, subscribed to a newsletter and downloaded some free resources. Based on these sources, I'm building my watch list to decide what is worth researching further and what I can immediately eliminate.

Over the next few weeks, I hope to post a few things:

  • whittled down watch list
  • research on watch list
  • investing philosophy 
  • investing strategy
  • exceptions to investing strategy
  • brokers I use
  • all topics relevant to decisions I make
The purpose I do this if for education. Everyone's situation is different so I make a standard disclaimer: Do your own due diligence. Only you know your situation. My buys are based on my financial situation and are the best for me at the time I make my decisions. 

I also believe in full disclosure, I will reveal all my positions and if I'm buying, selling, holding, accumulating etc...

So for full disclosure...I only own two stocks: XOM and FLMN...

ExxonMobil (XOM): is a hold for recommendation for others is run away...hold if you own but don't add to your position....if you don't own, don't buy...I own but am not adding to my position.

Falcon Mineral Corp (FLMN) is highly speculative. I'm adding a very small position to what I already hold. My recommendation is don't buy if you don't a position. Hold your position if you own. 

Now for my Way To Early Watch List:, Zoom, Appian and HubSpot.