Sunday, April 25, 2010

Review Complete

After a review of my stocks portfolio and investment newsletters that I subscribed, I've decided to sell one stock. I'm selling two other stocks for portfolio maintenance purposes.

I subscribe to the Motley Fools Stock Advisor and Hidden Gems newsletters. I don't reveal to much of the information contained in those newsletters. They are subscription services and people pay for the information. I have no desire to lower the value of the information by revealing it on a blog. When I make moves based on the newsletters I give only vague information. I see no reason to hide what I buy or sell on recommendations if I keep it vague.

Also please remember that this blog is for informational purposes for me and whoever reads it. I in no way recommend you follow my moves. I do so with money I can afford to lose if things go haywire. Everybody's financial situation is different. Please consult with a financial advisor and/or do your own due diligence. What may be all right for me may not be a great idea for you.

That gets the disclaimers out of the way.

My first sell is Double Take Software. They are up for acquisition and there is no longer any potential upside. Even if they weren't up for sale, the business has been stagnant and they've tried entering markets already occupied by the big boys Google and Microsoft.

The other two sales are mainly clean up issues. One is a small position I had in LoJack (LOJN). I bought it as a small cap looking for a decent return. It isn't going up or down. I have better ideas to invest in. I no longer have the desire to keep up with it either so it's time to say bye.

The other position I'm cutting lose is ActivIdentity Corp (ACTI). I honestly have no earthly idea what they do. I bought the stock by mistake. I intended to buy Activision (ATVI) but entered the wrong ticker symbol. I held the small stake after I bought it just to see what it did. Since I don't follow the company or know what it does, it's time to move on from that accidental buy.

A Single Buy
Finally, I have one buy to announce. I'm opening a position in Seaspan (SSW). Seaspan owns and operates container ships and leases them long term. They concentrate their business in shipping from Asia to the U.S. They currently own and operate 42 ships with the goal of adding 21 and leasing 5 more by 2014. The company pays out a high portion of profit as dividends to stock holders.

I believe SSW is a high risk investment. The company's success relies on an improving world economy. Should the economy and taste for Asian manufactured goods slip then SSW will probably take some major losses. However, the potential rewards help offset the risk. With an undervalued stock and high dividend payout, stock holders will be compensated for the risk if the economy starts keeps on improving.

I'll be watching as close as I can the ships it has on order. I think ship orders is a decent indication of the health of the company. If the SSW trims back or puts future orders on hold chances are they see or have trouble brewing.

It's Been A Long Time

Other obligations have kept me from keeping up this part of my blogs and website.

Also I haven't been a very active investor in a while. I plan on buying a house in the near future. As a result, most my extra money goes into a savings account toward a down payment.

My portfolio ran on cruise control the last several months.

I decided to return to actively managing my stock portfolio.

A quick inventory of my investment account shows some I need to clean up the pile. Also, it's nice to know I've picked some quality stocks that keep me in the black. Of course some stocks are losers or stagnant. I will trim those off the list shortly.

On the flip side, my three stocks of the several I own keep my money well into the black. Those three stocks are Netflix, Buffalo Wild Wings and Chinese's travel site

I'll post my stock moves in a future post (maybe today). I first must continue with accessing my portfolio, reading my investment newsletters and other sources before I make any final decisions.

I've also started a stock project. I used two stock screens to assemble a list of potential small cap stocks and will add a few more from my investment sources. I will then whittle it down and research stocks, if any, that remain.

I'm also open to a few ETFs that invest in markets like Brazil, Russia, India and China as well as emerging markets.

That's all for this brief update but I'm back in the saddle. Again.